A series of workouts to strengthen your glutes and more

YOU MAY WANT TO STAND UP for this news: Sitting is almost as bad for your health as smoking. A study published in the online medical journal BMJ Open reported that sitting for more than three hours a day could cut two years off a person’s life expectancy. Do you sit at work? Do you sit in front of the TV set when you get home from work? Now you have even more reason to start the regular walking program suggested in our previous fitness column.

Sitting also causes more immediate problems, such as weak butt and leg muscles, tight hips, and lower-back pain. The exercises shown on these pages can help you strengthen these muscles, open your hips, and prevent an aching back. Work them into your exercise routine as you shape up for Scouting outings—especially this summer’s 2013 National Scout Jamboree.

To prepare your body for the big event at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in mountainous West Virginia, visit scouting.org/scoutstrong for a special six-week basic training workout that’ll help you shed pounds and build strength and endurance.

Now, let’s work on your lower half.

Jeff Csatari is an editor at Men’s Health and author of the new book The Belly Off! Workouts and The Belly Off! Diet. Both are available to the Scouting community at a special 20 percent off at rodalestore.com by using discount code “Scout” at checkout.


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