Let’s eat! For this installment of “Scouting Show and Tell,” we asked Scouters to share their favorite Dutch oven meals, whether they or their Scouts created them. Either way, they look amazing. Check out these recipes and visit go.scoutingmagazine.org/showandtell to send us yours.
You can also show us other ways you make Scouting shine through the online form, by emailing us at scoutingmag@gmail.com or via social media using #ScoutingShowandTell
Todd Fuller, advancement chair for Troop 2 in Bridgeville, Pa., sent us this recipe that Eagle Scout Matthew Dorfner made at the troop’s most recent spring camporee.
“He embraced every aspect of the program, including cooking, and enjoys teaching these skills to the younger Scouts,” Fuller says.
1⁄2 stick of butter
2 cans of apple pie filling
1 box of cake mix
Items for the cake mix (oil, eggs, etc.)
Whipped topping or topping of your choice
Layer the inside of a 12- or 14-inch Dutch oven with heavy-duty aluminum foil; overlap the foil in the center. Preheat the oven with a few coals on top and bottom.
Melt half the butter in the oven, and then dump in the pie filling and place a few pieces of butter on top of that. You can substitute the pie filling with apples, brown sugar, cinnamon and butter, if you like.
Mix the cake ingredients in a separate bowl and pour the mixture on top of the pie filling. You can give it all a stir if you want to integrate some apples into the cake.
Bake with 20 coals on top and 10 to 12 on the bottom. Rotate the oven to ensure even baking. Cook until the cake is solid and not doughy; check it by inserting a knife or toothpick. Add topping and serve.
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