Show & Tell: Super-Sized Hungry Scout Cheeseburger

Let’s eat! For this installment of “Scouting Show and Tell,” we asked Scouters to share their favorite Dutch oven meals, whether they or their Scouts created them. Either way, they look amazing. Check out these recipes and visit to send us yours.

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Assistant Scoutmaster Kelly Horton sent us the recipe for this monster burger that Troop 17 of Sayre, Pa., made at a district winter camp, along with the story behind it.

Troops were cooking for a large community dinner, and the joke around camp was that the event coordinator was complaining some troops were planning to make meals much too small to share with everyone. At registration, Troop 17 listed they were going to make only “one hamburger and one cheeseburger.”

“At the dinner, he saw the size of the burgers and started laughing about it,” Horton says.


5 pounds lean ground hamburger

Frozen French bread dough (thawed and allowed to rise)

Burger toppings (lettuce, ketchup, mustard, relish, etc.)


Preheat a 12-inch Dutch oven; line it with parchment paper and press thawed bread dough into the bottom of the oven. Bake the dough until the top and bottom are light brown. Remove and allow to cool. Slice the bread, creating two layers for the hamburger bun.

Reline the Dutch oven with parchment paper and press the ground meat into the bottom; it should be a couple of inches thick. Load coals above and underneath the oven, cooking the meat until it’s done. Invert the oven, allowing the grease to drain off. Place the burger on the bun and cut into slices. Serve with your favorite condiments.

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