ScoutingJanuary - February 2003

Scouting Magazine

About our cover:

Venturer Lucas Malarski, an exchange student from Poland and a member of Crew 146, Amery, Wis., mushes through the woods of Tomahawk Scout Reservation. Writer Doug Smith tells how the St. Paul-based Indianhead Council promotes dogsledding as an exciting winter adventure for its Boy Scout and Venturing units. Cover photograph by Steve Wewerka.

In the January - February 2003 Issue

Remembering One of Their Own Photographs

New York Scouters build an outdoor amphitheater to honor a victim of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Fun, Family, Fellowship, and Learning Photographs

A family vacation at the Philmont Training Center is one of the BSA's best-kept secrets.

Snow Games

Cub Scouts and their families gather at a state park in western New York for a day of winter fun.

A Chance to Make a Difference Illustrations

A growing number of women are choosing a challenging and rewarding career in professional Scouting.

'I Work From Real Life' Photographs

For his official 2003 BSA illustration, artist Joseph Csatari captures the heroic work of firefighters and police at Ground Zero in New York City as well as the efforts of Scouts across the nation to support them.

Novice Mushers Go to the Dogs

A Wisconsin high adventure base gives Venturing crew members their first taste of dogsledding as a winter outdoor activity.

Timeless Teacher Photographs

For 68 years, Scoutmaster Billy Jim Vaughn has helped guide Tennessee Scouts along the path of life.

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Copyright © 2003 by the Boy Scouts of America. All rights thereunder reserved; anything appearing in Scouting magazine or on its Web site may not be reprinted either wholly or in part without written permission. Because of freedom given authors, opinions may not reflect official concurrence.

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