Advancement & Awards

Venturing celebrates 20th birthday

Hey, Venturing! You’re 20 years old this year! That’s old enough for just about any activity a crew wants to learn about and enjoy.

Advancement & Awards

How your Venturers can earn the Ranger Award

Nothing attracts young people to Venturing as much as the outdoors and high adventure, and nothing demonstrates a Venturer’s outdoor expertise as much as the Ranger Award.

Venturer Activities

A Journey to Lifelong Health and Fitness

Teenagers who earn Venturing’s Quest Award can improve their diet and nutrition, develop teaching skills, and discover a sport they can play for the rest of their lives.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

Scouters share the value of a troop Venture patrol

E.A. says his troop’s Scoutmaster was reluctant to start a Venture patrol because he feared it would reduce the number of available boy leaders. How, he asks, do you convince Scoutmasters that Venture patrols keep older Scouts in Scouting?


What to do when older Scouts just want to hang out

Scouter S.C.’s troop tries to keep older Scouts busy teaching skills to younger boys, but a few just want to hang out with their friends. He’s looking for suggestions to keep these older Scouts engaged in the troop program.