Cub Scout Leadership

Let the (Pack Meeting) Games Begin!

Contests and competitions that Cub Scouts enjoy the most are often surprisingly uncomplicated, with inexpensive materials, rules taking less than a minute to explain, and minimal setup.

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Cub Scout Activities

Ideas for Cub Scout blue and gold banquets

In our May-June issue, D.P. asked for innovative ideas for a Cub Scout pack’s blue and gold banquet. Readers offered an assortment of ideas on location for the banquet, methods of serving, and ceremonies.

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Cub Scout Leadership

"You Are Boy Scouting!"

A trained den chief plays a key role in conducting quality den meetings and encouraging Cub Scouts to make the transition from pack to troop.

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Cub Scout Activities

Fitness Fun for Cub Scouts

A council’s autumn championship gets boys excited about exercise and provides packs with an early program activity.

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Cub Scout Activities

Hands-on science for Cub Scouts

Boys and parents on a “camp-in” at Liberty Science Center learn that “don’t touch” is no longer the standard rule in today’s high-tech museums.

Cub Scouting

How to energize Tiger Cub dens

Assistant Den Leader D.K.B. reports that the Tiger Cub den in her pack meets only sporadically. Tiger Cubs and their partners rarely attend pack meetings. How, she asked, can the den be energized so that it will become an active Wolf den?

Uniforms & Insignia

What to do when a Scout has a patch sewn on wrong

It’s hard to make sure patches and other insignia are placed correctly. J.S.D.’s troop has tried uniform inspections, but parents are reluctant to resew wrongly placed badges. What can be done?