Have a grand time at Camp Raymond, Grand Canyon Council

The heavens and earth unite at Camp Raymond near Flagstaff, Ariz. An elevation of 6,700 feet and lack of light pollution make for stellar stargazing conditions. Scouts working on the Astronomy merit badge see stars that are invisible back home. During the day, high-altitude hiking yields views that quite literally take a person’s breath away.

Raymond offers 33 merit badges — from Archery to Wood Carving — but the schedule leaves ample time for meandering through the camp’s tall ponderosa pines to look for elk, pronghorn and deer.

How’s the weather? With an average high of 80 in July and lows around 40, this is the rare summer camp where you’ll need that fleece pullover.

Like many top council camps, Raymond has devised a program that encourages Scouts to return year after year. They call them the Flintlock Trail Awards. Scouts who complete service projects, take patrol hikes, lash useful camp gadgets and more work their way through the ranks. First-year campers become Pathfinders. In the third year, they’re Frontiersmen. By the fifth year, they must teach skills to younger Scouts to become Guides.

Other awards at Camp Raymond include the Uniform Award for well-dressed troops, the Presidential Award for the best campsite and a new STEM Award to encourage participation in science, technology, engineering and math activities.

Camp Raymond offers six weeks of camping each summer in a picture-perfect setting. Plan your visit at grandcanyonbsa.org

Scouting Magazine’s Cool Camps Series

Not all Boy Scout camps are created equal. Sure, each offers a terrific program to entertain and challenge Scouts, but every Scout camp has unique program elements that make it special. Scouting magazine has scoured the country to find some of the coolest Scout camps around. Check out the full list, and be sure to leave a comment if you’ve visited one of these Cool Camps.

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