Emergency Preparedness

Scouting Responds to a National Crisis

In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Scout units from coast to coast and around the world went into action to help those in need.

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Volunteer Training for the 21st Century

New BSA training — highlighted by a single, leadership-focused Wood Badge — provides Scouters with both timely program-specific skills and a broader knowledge and appreciation of the total Scouting program.

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Intercultural activities

¡Scouting Vale La Pena!

A BSA pilot marketing campaign in South Texas aims to bring more Scouting opportunities to the nation’s fastest-growing minority group.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

Unit Leaders and ADD

Effectively defusing problems caused by a behavioral disability like attention deficit disorder (ADD) requires specialized knowledge, flexibility, and lots of patience.

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Building Leaders on the Chesapeake

Sea Scouting’s SEAL program teaches teenagers the leadership skills needed to sail a ship—and navigate through life.