Leader Advice and Inspiration

Scouters' advice on convincing parents to serve as unit leaders

Scouter T.H. wrote, in our October issue, that his troop was finding it hard to recruit parents as leaders. “How,” he asked, “can we instill some sense of volunteerism and commitment to Scouting among these parents?”

High Adventure

Paddle and Portage—An Atikokan Journey

On the remote waterways of a vast Canadian wilderness, a Texas Venturing crew finds adventure, beauty, and stories of grit and determination.

Intercultural activities

The 20th World Jamboree 'Share Our World, Share Our Cultures'

The 20th World Scout Jamboree took place in Thailand from Dec. 28, 2002, to Jan. 7, 2003. More than 24,000 Scouts and leaders, from nearly every Scouting association in the world, assembled for a festival of friendship and fun.

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Leader Advice and Inspiration

A Recipe for Roundtable Success

A dynamic district training session sparks enthusiasm and teaches skills for leaders to conduct successful monthly troop programs.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

Lifelong Learning

The BSA’s new “training continuum” provides volunteer leaders with a seamless transition from one program to the next, with little repetition in content and much flexibility in presentation and scheduling.

High Adventure

Do the Right Thing

When leaders emphasize the character-building values of the Scout Oath and Law, boys can be guided to do the right thing.

Advancement & Awards

The Nature of Leadership

The lure of Alaska’s Yukon River is the hook Venturing uses to teach teens management skills in the nature of leadership.

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Wilderness First Aid: Ready for the Worst

Keeping healthy and following basic safety measures help avoid tragedies on the trail, but when accidents do occur, specialized first-aid skills can make all the difference.