Boys' Life Preview
Boys' Life magazine helps make your Scouting program and your Scouts excel. Research shows that boys who subscribe to the magazine advance farther, spend more time outdoors, and stay in Scouting longer than those who don't.
Check out these exciting articles designed to make advancement easy and fun, scheduled for publication in the October 2008 issue of Boys' Life.
MEET STANLEY: A Cub Scout Feature
Imagine a 34½-pound hunk of silver and nickel that can't go anywhere without its own
bodyguard. Some men spend their lives dreaming about holding it. It sold for $50 in 1892, but experts now consider it priceless. The NHL's greatest prize, the Stanley Cup, has seen a lot of amazing happenings in its history—both on and off the ice. Read about the zany ways players have spent their day with the Cup, and learn all about “Lord Stanley.”
Get in Shape for Adventure: A Boy Scout Feature
You've had that big high-adventure trip circled on your calendar for months, but are you ready? Check out these workout tips to get you prepared to climb,
backpack, canoe, or cycle your way to fun and merit badge advancement. What’s the best way to strengthen your legs for that heavy backpack? How can you get your arms ready to tame the river with a paddle? Consider Boys’ Life your personal
trainer for adventure.
Stepping Up: A Feature for All Scouts
Just three days into their first adventure as Boy Scouts, the novice hikers of Troop 4007 already had endured rain, snow, hail, and a burned-out campsite. Not exactly a warm welcome. But the sights of central Washington (not to mention the big rainbow trout) made their 50-mile backpacking journey worth it. Follow these brave new recruits on the expedition that helped kick-start their jump to the big leagues. Welcome to the Boy Scouts, fellas.
Subscribe to Boys' Life
There's something for everyone in Boys' Life. And everyone can receive
the magazine every month. For a one-year, nonmember subscription, send $24
(add state taxes as applicable) to Boys' Life, Subscription Service, S302,
1325 W. Walnut Hill Ln., P.O. Box 152350, Irving, TX 75015-2350. Anyone in your
pack or troop, however, can receive the magazine at home for only $12 a year
(add state taxes as applicable). That's just $1 an issue! To get this great
bargain, check with your local Scout council service center. Outside the U.S., all subscribers add $21 for additional postage for each one-year (12 issues) subscription.
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October 2008 Table of Contents