Boys' Life Preview
Boys' Life magazine helps make your Scouting program and your Scouts excel. Research shows that boys who subscribe to the magazine advance farther, spend more time outdoors, and stay in Scouting longer than those who don't.
Check out these exciting articles designed to make advancement easy and fun, scheduled for publication in the September 2008 issue of Boys' Life.
Peering Into Space: A Cub Scout Feature
What’s 353 miles away from Earth, travels at five miles per second, and laps our planet every 97 minutes? NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. The 24,500-pound, solar-powered instrument snaps photos of galaxies, planets, and black holes that are millions of light-years away. Add this cool knowledge about gamma-ray bursts, the mysteries of “dark energy,” and how astronauts make repairs to the telescope to your learning about space in Elective 1 on the Wolf or Bear Cub Scout Arrow Point Trail.
Support System: A Boy Scout Feature
Stoke your desire to earn the prized Engineering merit badge. Read about some historic feats of engineering -- the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building, the Golden Gate Bridge -- starting with fascinating stats on the soon-to-open stadium for the Dallas Cowboys, the largest domed structure in the world. How did engineers solve the problem of supporting its massive 660,800-square-foot
retractable roof? The
answer will amaze you!
Diamonds in the Rough: A Feature for All Scouts
Join a group of Arkansas Boy Scouts who grab their shovels and turn into treasure hunters. Troop 930 from Star City chooses a great site to work on requirements for the Geology merit badge: Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro. If one of them finds a gem amid rocks such as amethyst, garnet, and banded agate, he gets to keep it. But we’ve dug up plenty of practical information for every merit badge-seeking rock hound.
Subscribe to Boys' Life
There's something for everyone in Boys' Life. And everyone can receive
the magazine every month. For a one-year, nonmember subscription, send $24
(add state taxes as applicable) to Boys' Life, Subscription Service, S302,
1325 W. Walnut Hill Ln., P.O. Box 152350, Irving, TX 75015-2350. Anyone in your
pack or troop, however, can receive the magazine at home for only $12 a year
(add state taxes as applicable). That's just $1 an issue! To get this great
bargain, check with your local Scout council service center. Outside the U.S., all subscribers add $21 for additional postage for each one-year (12 issues) subscription.
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