Let Boys' Life Be Your Program Helper

Boys' Life magazine helps make your Scouting program and your Scouts excel. Research shows that boys who subscribe to the magazine advance further, spend more time outdoors, and stay in Scouting longer than those who don't.

Below are articles and features scheduled for publication in the May and June 2008 issues of Boys' Life that can help youth members with advancement.

Abbreviations are "ACH" for achievement, "ELECT" for elective, and "MB" for merit badge. Titles in COLOR indicate special program features.



Subscribe to Boys' Life

There's something for everyone in Boys' Life. And everyone can receive the magazine every month. For a one-year, nonmember subscription, send $24 (add state taxes as applicable) to Boys' Life, Subscription Service, S302, 1325 W. Walnut Hill Ln., P.O. Box 152350, Irving, TX 75015-2350. Anyone in your pack or troop, however, can receive the magazine at home for only $12 a year (add state taxes as applicable). That's just $1 an issue! To get this great bargain, check with your local Scout council service center. Outside the U.S., all subscribers add $21 for additional postage for each one-year (12 issues) subscription.

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