Leading the WayCorporate leaders demonstrate the value of service to others.
Scouting magazine takes a glimpse into the corporate lives of some of our nation’s top CEOs. These are individuals who learned the value of Scouting at an early age. They have continued to live those values and have led their companies by example.
Q&A WITH JOHN CUSHMAN, Chairman of the Board, Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. Cushman & Wakefield provides real estate services to 75 percent of the Fortune 500, offering a complete range of services for the real estate sector split into four main areas of activity:
What benefits do you see from your employees volunteering? Across all disciplines of our company, volunteering is a significant part of Cushman & Wakefield’s culture. It is particularly important for people who have had success to give back in order to make our communities better places to live and work. Which organizations have you been involved with as a volunteer? The Boy Scouts of America, The Urban Land Institute, The Real Estate Roundtable in Washington, D.C.; Colgate University in Hamilton, New York; Claremont Graduate School in Pomona, California; University of Colorado Boulder Business School; Town Hall and the World Affairs Council of Los Angeles; Institute of International Education in New York City; Region One Homeland Security; Gov. Schwarzenegger’s California Commission on Jobs and Growth; University of Southern California’s LUSK Center for Real Estate; Board of Fellows of Claremont University Center; and National Park Foundation. Where did your attitude of volunteerism come from? Volunteering was ingrained in me by my family at a very early age, particularly from my mother, who did so much for so many people. It was also reinforced by my twin brother, Lou, and my younger brother, David, as we volunteered extensively while growing up in Montclair, N.J. My dedication to volunteering also came from my experiences in Scouting and my work at Cushman & Wakefield. Each of these cultures focused on the importance of giving back to the community. Describe Cushman & Wakefield’s corporate view on volunteerism. Cushman & Wakefield, with 216 offices in 56 countries on six continents, is committed systemwide to a culture of volunteering and giving back within all levels of the company. As a part of Cushman & Wakefield, volunteering is a core responsibility for an employee. Our management and professionals throughout the world lead by example and encourage our employees to give back to their communities.
My parents, who were a beacon of positive energy and influence, focused on working hard and believed that one should do the best job possible whatever your endeavor. I was also greatly influenced by O. K. Taylor, my troop's Scoutmaster for 50 years while taking on the responsibilities in the world of business, as the deputy treasurer of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and as chairman of the largest pension fund in the world. Last, an individual who has had a profound and immense impact on my life was the late Robert O. Anderson, a true renaissance man who, as the chairman and CEO of Atlantic Richfield Company, was an extraordinary role model and inspiration to me. ARCO was a beacon of corporate responsibility and led by example. What do you consider the keys to your success? A positive and honest work ethic, an understanding family, creativity, relationships, a commitment to excellence, respect for everyone, and a commitment to giving back to the community.
Being a global company, it is important to find the right leaders for the right task; to balance growth while maintaining culture in a world where diverse cultures and ethnic differences must come together in order to be successful. To meet these challenges, it is vital to protect and enhance the Cushman & Wakefield brand, to provide vision and leadership, teamwork, respect, and to instill throughout our company an abiding commitment to common sense and good judgment. How do organizations like the Boy Scouts of America contribute to organizations like Cushman & Wakefield? Cushman & Wakefield will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2017. For most of our history, the company has been a friend and a supporter of the Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts is the largest youth-serving organization in America, having served approximately 120 million young people over the past 98 years. Cushman & Wakefield has been a great friend of Scouting, where the principles of the organization, from “do a good turn daily” to helping other people at all times, are grounded in the philosophy that character counts, which is consistent with Cushman & Wakefield’s culture. We share the same values, and we have prospered in large part for so many years because of it. What advice would you give to young men and women in high school or college? Follow your dreams. And I also would share a few words from Robert Frost, from his poem “The Road Not Taken.” “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”
Q&A WITH MARK MAYS, President and CEO, Clear Channel
Because of Clear Channel’s deep involvement in and connection to communities, the company’s philanthropic initiatives have the greatest impact at the local level. Whether it’s in support of children’s hospitals and shelters, food banks, educational programs, health care, cultural enhancement, or myriad other issues important to communities, Clear Channel’s local spirit shines through. Clear Channel provides millions of hours of promotional time, volunteer support, and funding to hundreds of diverse nonprofit organizations every year. Each of the company’s 30,000 employees is given a paid day off every year to volunteer for a community service initiative of their choice. Through Clear Channel’s Local Spirit program, the company provides corporate education, service, and support benefiting hundreds of local, national, and international nonprofit organizations. Stories of many successful community service initiatives led by Clear Channel employees and businesses are posted at www.clearchannel.com/localspirit, raising awareness globally and constituting a significant call to action for others to volunteer in these worthwhile initiatives.
How do you define volunteerism? I would define volunteerism as having a responsibility to make things better for those that come behind you. And therefore it’s our duty to make sure that those that follow have the same, if not better, opportunities than we had. What benefits do you see from your employees volunteering? Our employees understand and embrace their role as community servants. They are remarkably dedicated to the communities in which they live and work. Volunteerism is a big part of that commitment. Most of our employees have a desire to help other people and particularly those who are less fortunate. Our employees get tremendous satisfaction from working with a variety of nonprofit organizations and service initiatives in their respective communities. They take this responsibility seriously and are actively making a real difference in improving the quality of life for the people in their communities. Explain Clear Channel’s Local Spirit program for volunteerism. We identify the biggest issues in each community we serve and determine how we can best address those through our volunteer efforts and through our public service campaigns. We take on a diversity of initiatives that are of importance in our communities. And we encourage folks to participate in those and help in any way that they can. Which organizations have you been involved with as a volunteer? Boy Scouts, Junior Achievement, Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, and the United Way. What prompted your dedication to volunteerism? It was instilled by my parents, particularly my mother, who was always a volunteer and volunteered for everything, whether it was school or community. She was always helping in the community in some way. Obviously Dad did as well, but he probably didn’t put in as much time volunteering as Mom did. No. I think it was always just a quest for making sure that I was doing something that was fun and giving back to the community. But from a career perspective, it was trying to find what I enjoyed doing -- it was clear that if you enjoy what you do, then it is not work. Which person or persons influenced your success? Dad definitely did, as well as my brother Randall. They’ve been here with me every step of the way. Any time you can have a mentor (Dad) or a confidant (brother) along the way, it broadens your view and enables you to see things in different ways. In turn, you become better at what you do by drawing on their unique perspectives and talents, as well as your own. What have been the keys to your success? Having a mentor, confidant, and a supportive wife. There are probably many keys to my success, but I think it comes down to who you surround yourself with -- friends, family, mentors, and different teammates here at Clear Channel -- all the people that have supported me through the years. What was the first time you remember volunteering? My Eagle Scout project, back in the mid-70’s, launching a program in San Antonio called Elf Louise, which was to go out and acquire presents for underprivileged kids. I adopted two or three families. We went out and got tons of presents. We ended up getting so many presents that we adopted 10 families. It was very enlightening and gratifying to be able to help that many kids at that time of year. The experience had a big impact on me. Particularly in the very impactful ages of youth 11 to 14 years old, when they can really go astray and you’re taking the time to spend with them and focus on cultural core values like reverent, trustworthy, loyal, and helpful -- all of those different things that Boy Scouts focus on. I think there’s nothing better than influencing and instilling great values in kids at that age. Scouting has a huge positive impact on boys and their lives, and that in turn positively impacts our communities and society as a whole. What advice would you give to young men and women in high school or college? Be true to yourself. Make sure that you’re doing the right thing, and make sure you’re having fun doing what you’re doing.
Q&A WITH JIM TURLEY, Chairman and CEO, Ernst & Young
It’s through daily work and community engagement that Ernst & Young has the opportunity to demonstrate the shared values that it considers to be the heart of social responsibility. Focus in two key issue areas Strategic focus on education and mentoring allows Ernst & Young to devote its resources to helping society maintain competitive standards in a global marketplace. By celebrating, supporting, and serving entrepreneurship across the globe, it is able to help create opportunity through generating jobs, stimulating economies, and allowing communities to thrive.
How do you define volunteerism? I think that it is really giving back to the community, giving of yourself for the good of others. What benefits do your employees gain by volunteering? It’s absolutely a value to give back to the communities in which we live. We try to think about how we can help those we come in contact with achieve their potential. When our younger people volunteer their time, they also get a great deal of personal and professional growth. They get to meet others; they get to understand what it’s like to be in a boardroom or committee meeting with people they don’t really know that well and see how those forums operate long before they’ll ever be in a boardroom with one of our clients. So it’s a growth experience, and it’s all part of being a team member, because oftentimes we’ll see our people team together to support causes. So it has a lot of different benefits. Which organizations have you been involved with as a volunteer? Right now I’m on the board of the Boy Scouts; I’m an officer there. I’m on the board of the Catalyst organization, a leading organization in the world for the support and development of women in business; I’m chairman of the National Corporate Theatre Fund, which supports nonprofit regional theater; and I’m on the Board of Trustees for my alma mater, Rice University. At other points in time, I have been active in church boards, Junior Achievement, United Cerebral Palsy, and United Way. Did your religious upbringing or the church help shape your commitment to volunteerism? I’d say it was my family upbringing. If you keep your eyes open you learn a lot of things. My father was always active in giving back to the community, and my grandfather before him. So you observe that when you’re growing up, and it just sort of becomes who you are.
Obviously, a whole lot of people contribute to the success in the business environment -- great education, both in high school and at Rice, and a number of mentors within the firm that guided me on how to avoid pitfalls and helped me learn lessons. When I was a younger person growing up in St. Louis, the Ernst & Young office encouraged our young people to “get involved.” And they didn’t specifically tell us what to be involved in but instead find something that you care about and would commit to. Probably right about that time I got involved in the church board. I got involved in Junior Achievement because it was something that seemed very worthwhile, and I learned that if I could make a contribution of time and effort, it would work out nicely. What other keys laid the foundation for your success? For me, I think it was recognizing that we’re all on one team, and that my job was to be a real part of the team in each of the roles I was filling in each stage of my career. I’d say always thinking team is absolutely vital. To that I would add having style flexibility, being comfortable either with our youngest people -- people we hire right off of a university campus -- or with the CEOs of our biggest clients or presidents of the biggest nations in the world. For me, having the flexibility to be comfortable in both those settings is a real advantage. At the highest level, I’d say that when I think of the challenges the world’s leading companies face, it’s how to really be effective across different cultures. Perhaps as important, and under-focused on, is our issue of respecting a difference of opinion. Understanding and being able to thoughtfully talk through differences of opinion that frequently arise is a great advantage for any organization. How do organizations like the Boy Scouts contribute to overcoming those types of challenges? When you look at the issues that are being faced, one of the things that I think the Boy Scouts teaches quite well is the issue of respect. The Boy Scouts teaches a level of respect for and trust in others in a very positive way -- all the while stressing the importance of working together. By emphasizing these things, I also think the Boy Scouts does an exceptional job in building future leaders. What advice would you give to young men and women in high school or college? Be yourself. We actually hire young people to join us, not because we want to change them to be people like us but because we want to learn from them. And so the real art is to be yourself, but you need to recognize at all times that you are part of a team. The key to success is actually getting that balance just right -- always knowing that you’re part of a team but not being a conformist, not trying to be someone you’re not. Instead, you're trying to be the person you are and contribute to the team in any way you can.
HOW YOU CAN HELP Adult role models in Scouting provide an ideal learning experience for all youth. Every adult volunteer has something valuable to offer. On a typical weekend camp-out, a Scout might work with an adult volunteer who teaches the Fishing merit badge and with a Scout mom who teaches orienteering. The Scout might go on a five-mile hike with another adult leader and at the end of the day learn how to clean and cook fresh fish from his dad.
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Volunteering by the Numbers More than one million adult volunteers contribute their time and skills to the development of youth through the Boy Scouts of America. Ninety-six percent of Scout volunteers would strongly encourage family, friends, and co-workers to volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America. Volunteers believe their time invested with the Boy Scouts of America helps them to be: |