October 2002
Unit Anniversaries
Anniversaries of 50 years or more (in multiples of five years) will be posted
within 30 days following the publication of each issue of Scouting magazine,
if received by the first day of the month of the issue's publication (i.e., March. 1
for the September issue). Use our online form to send your
announcements or mail them (including name and address or phone number of a person
to contact) to Unit Anniversaries, Scouting Magazine, S204, P.O. Box 152079,
Irving, TX 75015-2079.
- Troop 72 - Westfield, NJ
- 80th anniversary in March, 2003. Boy Scout Troop 72 is looking
for all former members to celebrate the 80th anniversary year
of Troop 72's charter. We'd like to hear from former Scouts
or leaders who were part of the Presbyterian Church of Westfield
Boy Scout Troop 72. Contact Diana Kazazis, (908) 654-8783
- Troop 170 - Bronx, NY
- 75th anniversary in September, 2002. Troop 170, chartered to St.
Clare of Assisi Roman Catholic Church, Bronx, NY, is celebrating
its 75th Anniversary Sept. 27, 2002. Visit the troop Web site at
www.troop170.org for more information.
- Troop 9 - Weymouth, MA
- 75th anniversary in March, 2002.
All former Scouts and Scout leaders are invited to attend the 75th anniversary
celebration of Troop 9, March 10, 2002. The celebration will be held at
the troop's chartered organization, Pond Plain Improvement Association,
330 Pond St.
- Troop 32 - Keller, TX
- 75th anniversary in May, 2002
Knights of Columbus Council #759 announces the 75th Anniversary of Troop 32,
Saturday, May 11, 2002. Alumni Reunion 10 a.m.-12 noon, Lunch 12 noon-1 p.m.,
Court of Honor 1-3 p.m., and an Anniversary Mass 4-5 p.m. Tentative location
is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Keller TX. For more information contact
John Ryan (817) 571-4970, 4109 Meadow Dr., Grapevine, TX 76051; All former
Scouts and friends are invited.
- Troop 90 - Utica, MI
- 60th anniversary in February, 2003. Troop 90, chartered to the
Knights of Columbus, St. Lawrence Council #2905, Utica, MI,
- Troop 37 - Paterson, NJ
- 50th Anniversary, February 8, 2003. Troop 37 will be celebrate
its anniversary beginning with a 5 P.M. mass at its chartered
organization, St George's Catholic Church, 408 Getty Ave,
Paterson, NJ. A banquet in the church basement will follow
the service. All former Scouts, Scout leaders, and friends
are invited to attend this celebration. A Troop 37 50th
Anniversary, commemorative patch will be given. For more
information contact the rectory at (973) 742-0350.
- Troop 41 - Demopolis, AL
- 50th Anniversary in February, 2003. Chartered to the Methodist
Men's Club of the First United Methodist Church, Demopolis, AL,
Troop 41 will celebrate 50 years of continuous charter in
February 2003. A special 50th birthday Court of Honor is planned.
Please contact Scoutmaster Jim Ellis or any committee member for
details. All Troop 41 members, leaders, and alumni are invited!
- Troop 8 - Riverside, CA
- Troop 8 of Riverside, CA, will be celebrating its 50th anniversary
October 5, 2002 with a BBQ at Eden Lutheran Church in Riverside.
All former and current members of the troop are invited to attend.
All pictures and displays of past Troop 8 events are welcome and
encouraged. Please review the troop Web site at
www.troop8.dns2go.com to make sure your name is on our
list and that we have a way of contacting you.
- Troop 110 - Farmington, MI
- 50th anniversary in February, 2002.
Troop 110 will celebrate its 50 anniversary in February.
- Troop 745 - Essex, MD
- 50th anniversary in June, 2002.
A 50th anniversary celebration will be held Saturday, June 1,
from 6-9 p.m., at the Essex VFW Post 2621. The troop, chartered
to the Essex United Methodist Church, invites anyone who has
been a member, parent of a member, or volunteer leader to attend.
A Troop 745 50th anniversary commemorative patch will be offered
for sale.
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October 2002 Table of Contents
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