Jamboree-on-the-Air is third weekend in OctoberThe 45th annual Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA), sponsored by the World Organization of the Scout Movement, will take place Oct. 19-20. ![]() Thousands of amateur radio stations and nearly a half million Scouts and Guides will participate around the world. In the United States, some Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts participate as guests of local amateur (ham) radio operators. Other ham operators set up stations at BSA district and council events scheduled to coincide with JOTA. JOTA frequencies are SSB (phone) 3.940, 7.290, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360, 24.960, and 28.390 MHz. CW (Morse code) frequencies are 3.590, 7.030, 14.070, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, and 28.190 MHz. Free postcard-size certificates are available from Jamboree-on-the-Air Certificate Cards, S221, 1325 W. Walnut Hill Ln., P.O. Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079. Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope large enough to hold the number of cards ordered. All orders must be received by Jan. 31, 2003. JOTA patches ($3.25 each, postpaid) are also available from the same address. Send check or money order, payable to Boy Scouts of America, by Jan. 31, 2003. More information is available at www.scouting.org/international/jota.html. New Mexico Scouter is recognized for service to youth with disabilitiesFrederick B. Hampton of Albuquerque, N.M., is the 2002 recipient of the Woods Services Award.
During 23 years of service, Hampton has impacted the lives of hundreds of youth with various disabilities and influenced the disability awareness of thousands of non-disabled youth. He was instrumental in organizing and leading a Boy Scout troop for youth with cerebral palsy in Peapack, N.J., and two Cub Scout packs for mentally challenged boys in Westchester County, N.Y. In each case, he paired the pack or troop with a unit of Scouts without disabilities. Hampton has been the chairman of the disability challenge activity at four national Boy Scout jamborees and serves as a Disabilities Awareness merit badge counselor. He has provided an annual camp program for children with Down syndrome and for the past three years has served as council coordinator of Scouting for youth with disabilities. Hampton is also active in AT&T Telephone Pioneers of America, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Junior Achievement, Friends of the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, and the Rio Rancho Presbyterian Church. Boys' Life Quality Unit Emblem availableBeginning Jan. 1, 2003, members of units that qualify for the Quality Unit Award and also qualify as a 100% Boys' Life Unit can wear a special version of the Quality Unit Emblem on their uniforms.
All 100% Boys' Life Units will continue to receive a recognition ribbon for the unit flagpole at no cost. Scout service projects honored by PrudentialAfter investigating many possibilities for his Eagle Scout service project, Stuart Kissick, 17, of Troop 181 in Yankton, S.D., decided to make a local bike trail accessible to the disabled by planning and coordinating the construction of a deck and safety railings to a bridge at the trailhead. "I wanted to build something outdoors that people could enjoy and would last a long time," Stuart said. "A man in a wheelchair was close to tears as he thanked us for doing something most people take for granted." In recognition, Stuart was named one of the two students from his state among the 104 finalists for The 2002 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards. The program annually recognizes high school and middle school students for outstanding volunteer community service. Sponsored by Prudential in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals, it drew more than 28,000 applications in 2002. Two honorees from each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico are named in February. In May in Washington, D.C., 10 of 104 finalists are named national winners. Adam Beck, 18, of Troop 123 in Copper Canyon, Tex., was also named an honoree from his state for his efforts and those of 4-H members and Boy Scouts in building a bird observation center for physically and mentally challenged children. Other Scouts honored as distinguished finalists at the state level include Michael Pavlak, 18, of Troop 194 in Rocky River, Ohio, who helped charter and coordinate a Cub Scout pack for boys in a Cleveland inner-city neighborhood; and David Simmons, 18, of Troop 95, Millsboro, Del., who plotted and recorded tombstone records dating back to 1791 for the Ocean View Presbyterian Church. More information is available at www.prudential.com/community/spirit or from Prudential, 751 Broad Street, 16th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102, (973) 802-4568. Deadline is Oct. 31. SCOUTING FOR FOOD
During the Greater St. Louis Area Council's 17th annual Scouting for Food drive last November, Cub Scout Eric Washington, Boy Scout Wes White, Webelos Scout Ryun Davis, and Boy Scout Derek Moss presented St. Louis Rams tight end Ernie Conwell (left) and defensive coordinator Lovie Smith (right) with official collection bags. More than 35,000 Scouts in 37 counties in eastern Missouri and southern Illinois distributed 1.3 million bags and, a week later, collected 1.9 million cans of food. The 2001 council Good Turnbilled as "the nation's largest single-day food drive"marked the second year that the Rams' Conwell helped with the campaign; both times his food-drive publicity picture appeared in the team magazine. Recording 'living history'Troop 30's "living history" campaign began as an Eagle project by Dan Kuba, who enlisted the aid of the local chapter of the Destroyer Escort Sailors Association in finding suitable veterans to interview. The association steered Dan to 15 WWII Navy veterans who had served aboard destroyer escorts. Among them, they had survived typhoons, suicide attacks by Kamikaze pilots, months of grueling convoy duty, and life-and-death showdowns with enemy battleships and submarines. Several teams of Scout volunteers helped conduct the interviews with the veterans. To learn more about the role played by destroyer escorts, each interview team toured the U.S.S. Slater (DE-766), one of a handful of surviving destroyer escorts, which is now permanently moored as a museum ship at Albany, N.Y. "Today, visitors to the U.S.S. Slater are often guided on their tours by former sailors, who provide firsthand accounts of their routine life at sea and the harrowing action they saw during WWII and the Korean War," says Jim Kuba, committee chairman of Troop 30 and Dan's father. "Oral history interviews like the ones Dan and his fellow Scouts conducted are one important way of preserving the history of these ships and the crews who manned them. Any troop could conduct a similar oral history project with living veterans of past wars in their area, and we'd be glad to share what we've learned with them." Interested units may write Troop 30 c/o Amity Reformed Church, 335 Riverview Rd., Rexford, NY 12148. Bill Sloan New on the Bookshelf
The "more" includes
![]() The Scouting Way, ($14.95) by Sandra and Jeff Schwartz, Scouting Way Press, (949) 481-1190, is a 30-day "guide to living with Scout values." Each day features a valuelike "courteous," "appreciate nature," or "be a good sport"with an inspirational real-life story and several suggestions on how the value can be practiced throughout the day. Celebrity contributors range from Arnold Palmer to Charlton Heston to Wally "Famous" Amos.
Copyright © 2002 by the Boy Scouts of America. All rights thereunder reserved; anything appearing in Scouting magazine or on its Web site may not be reprinted either wholly or in part without written permission. Because of freedom given authors, opinions may not reflect official concurrence.