May-June 2000
Jonathan Riley, an Eagle Scout in Troop 718, chartered to Greenhill School in Dallas, gets ready to saddle up at the Clements Scout Ranch near Athens, Tex. Read how treks on horseback can give your unit a new perspective on high adventure in Wilderness Horse Sense. Cover photograph by Joe Patronite.
East Carolina Council's all-in-one Program Highlights Extravaganza gives Scouters a sampling of events, themes, and special activities available in the coming year.Wilderness Horse Sense
A high adventure horseback trip provides a different kind of wilderness experience and some new types of responsibility.¡Muy Bien, Milwaukee!
Scouting's emphasis on leadership and character development inspires a middle school to add a Boy Scout troop to an already rigorous, challenging program.Rendezvous at Ripley
Five Scout councils team with a National Guard facility to host 9,000 campers at a megacamporee filled with history themes, action centers, and merit badge workshops.Quality Time
For successful units like the Atlanta Area Council's Troop 1011, the Quality Unit Award provides standards for achievement and incentives for improvement.Stealing My Heart
For every generation and every season, the mysterious language of baseball unites fathers and sons.
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