Youth Protection Training
Cub Scout Leader Training

Why you should take Youth Protection Training today

Michael Johnson, the BSA’s Youth Protection director, talks with Scouting magazine about the ongoing effort to get all Scouting leaders and parents Youth Protection Trained.

Cub Scout Activities

How to get Eagle Scout dads to help Cubs

  Question: The Eagle Scout dads in Cubmaster S.C.’s pack prefer to work with Boy Scouts, not Cub Scouts. An Eagle Scout himself, S.C. wants to persuade these men to get with the younger-boy program.


Get the Message

How can the BSA’s adult leaders and Scout parents spot the warning signs of child abuse and keep it from happening? Watch and learn.

Cub Scout Leader Training

There's Always Something New To Learn

Adults who complete Scouting’s volunteer training courses have more confidence in their leadership roles and stay in the program longer.