Winter Sport Safety Guidelines
Camping Advice and Tips

Play safe in the snow

Use these guidelines to help you and your Scouts stay safe while participating in snow sports this winter.


Canoe race teaches teamwork and skills

The competition might be fierce between paddlers in this 120-mile race. But the White River Showdown also teaches camaraderie — an not just with your buddy in the canoe.


Whitewater rafting safety tips that may save a Scout or Scouter’s life

You’re whitewater rafting down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River in Idaho when you approach a Class IV rapid. Midway through the rapid, you fall out and become separated from your craft. You’re wearing a helmet and PFD, but you need to act quickly before you’re seriously injured. What do you do?

Life Skills

Do your Scouts know how to behave when they're home alone?

Teenagers left home alone usually enjoy the freedom to play their music loud, leave dirty dishes in the sink, and invite friends over to play video games. But the fun can end quickly if the friends get out of hand.