Leader Advice and Inspiration

Preparing Boys for Leadership

A three-level training continuum provides progressively sophisticated tools for developing youth leaders in your troop.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

This is Not a Test

A board of review should gauge the quality of a Scout’s troop experience and encourage future advancement, not ask him to pass rank requirements — again.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

Getting parents excited about Scouting

Scouter N.L. has noticed that inactive Scouts tend to have uninvolved parents. She asked how other Scouters get parents excited about the program.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

Creating functional Boy Scout patrols

Scouter A.S.’s troop has two patrols: the “chaos” patrol of new Scouts and the “I’m too cool” patrol of veterans. He asked for ideas on creating a better unit structure, where older Scouts teach younger ones.


Preventing Scouts from leaving campouts early

In Scouter J.C.’s troop, parents often pick up their sons from weekend outings before the process of breaking camp begins. Here’s how to ensure your guys share and share alike.

Intercultural activities

Against All Odds

After years of failed efforts to bring Scouting to an immigrant community in San Rafael, Calif., Scoutmaster Willy Coronado makes a breakthrough with the success of Troop 2000.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

Parenting Solutions: Manners Do Matter

Teaching children to be polite can be a challenge in a world where common courtesy is less and less common, but you can be successful by working at it a little at a time.