If you’ve remembered the Scout motto — “Be Prepared” — you won’t be too alarmed when your phone blares a severe weather alert during a Scout outing. Savvy Scouters plan for the possibility of bad weather, knowing tornadoes, lightning, hail, flash flooding and heavy rain can happen at any time.
When the forecast looks particularly daunting, the safest course is to stay home. Other times, you’ll need to prepare for the types of weather hazards associated with your destination. Even extremely cold or hot weather, while not always a reason to cancel a trip, requires special planning.
Before your next outing, take the BSA’s free online Hazardous Weather Training, available through the BSA Learn Center at my.scouting.org. The course teaches the essentials and should be renewed every two years.
Then take our quiz to test what you know.
Anyone who takes this quiz below will be entered to win a $100 scoutshop.org gift card. (Contest ended April 30, 2019, but you can still take the quiz). Best used with the most updated version of your web browser.
Find answers to other frequently asked health and safety questions at go.scoutingmagazine.org/safetyfaq
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Are you sure about first answer
Yeah, I answered floods for the first question just because you hear about people dying in floods all of the time. Thankfully, more than a few deaths in a given tornado are reported.
I got 8/10 right not bad
Each year in the United States, about 1,330 people die of cold exposure, essentially freezing to death. You may picture outdoor adventurers dying of hypothermia on snowy mountaintops. While rates are higher in rural areas, many cold-related deaths and illnesses occur in cities too.Nov 14, 2018
The Dangers of Cold Weather | Public Health Postwww.publichealthpost.org › research › counting-cold-rela