1. Main part of the World Crest, 3 words
6. It might be part of dress clothing
9. Main color of the Wolf badge
10. Color of the Sea Scout New Century Uniform
11. See 15 down
13. Lay asphalt
14. Rank a Scout progresses through to reach Eagle
16. A Merit Badge sash is worn over the ____ shoulder
18. Biochemistry abbreviation
20. First prime number
22. Another word for waist
23. There’s a butterfly on this merit badge
25. Stumbling expression
26. Flag football score, for short
27. A Scouting camp season
28. Textile used in shirts
30. The “I” thing
32. Helmsman’s heading, for short
34. Excellent
36. Labels
38. In the Order of the Arrow, it’s white
42. Dorothy’s auntie in “The Wizard of Oz”
43. What shoulder loops can indicate, 3 words
48. Nickname for wartime president
50. Welcomed
51. What the square knot symbolizes in the World Scout Crest
1. Color of the Boy Scouts’ shoulder loops, 2 words
2. Purpose
3. An Eagle Scout might wear one on a finger
4. Global ecosystem — a subject covered in many merit badges
5. Popular
6. A Cub Scout first-grader
7. Additional
8. A Scout would learn to fix one in the Automotive Maintenance merit badge
12. Roman 4
13. Acidity factor
15. Only Cub Scout badge worn on a Boy Scout uniform, goes with 11 across
17. Understand
19. Direction on a compass
20. Narrow
21. Yellow citrus fruits
24. “Always leave the campground cleaner than you found it” is one
29. Boston Party subject
31. Provide
33. Electrical resistance measurement
35. ___ clip (bike attachment)
37. Computer wizards, informally (they might enjoy the Digital Technology merit badge)
39. View, as stars through a telescope
40. A quip in the back of Boys’ Life
41. Word with more or after
43. Trouser part
44. Shirt neck shape
45. Started a camp fire
46. Cooked food for the troop, for example
47. Midwest city, for short
49. Exercise class abbr.
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