1. Merit badge for this cinematic technique
6. It’s part of a Scout’s uniform
8. Environmental watchdogs, for short
10. Technology that you’ll encounter while working on the Programming merit badge
11. Do the crawl, for example
13. Worn while sleeping
15. Period of time in history
17. Merit badge that teaches about plants and animals
18. Sprint or jog
19. Bottom line
21. Dog’s cry you might hear while working on the Pets merit badge
23. Merit badge that teaches Scouts how to play an instrument or sing
25. “That’s amazing!”
26. ____ Study merit badge, the subject of ornithology
27. You may go down these while completing the Snow Sports merit badge, two words
29. Have a salad, say
30. Start
31. It shows debits and credits, something you will encounter while earning the American Business merit badge
36. Tree you might study in the Nature merit badge
37. Merit badge dealing with the different forms of power used and conserved by man
38. A horse says this
1. Merit badge in which you gain expertise in using a bow and arrow
2. Merit badge teaching Native American history, two words
3. Sunshade
4. Popular
5. More modern
6. Merit badge that teaches how to live outside
7. Cats, dogs, birds, fish for example
9. Circumference divided by diameter
12. Collecting these is a hobby, and it is also the subject of a merit badge
14. French for game
16. Regret
19. ________ Heritage, a merit badge that teaches the history of the Scouting movement
20. You’ll understand systems for sending one of these in the Signs, Signals and Codes merit badge
22. Pea holder
24. Animal ____, a merit badge that teaches about livestock
26. “Reveille” is one of these type of calls; there’s a merit badge about this
28. A mammal that’s a pest
32. Part of a machine
33. Low island
34. Approve
35. __ , the people
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