The World Conservation Award helps Scouts learn to take care of Mother Earth.
To borrow from an old country song, Scouts were conservationists when conservation wasn’t cool.
One way they can show off their green credentials is by earning the World Conservation Award. The award, which comes in Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing versions, encourages Scouts to think globally, act locally, and tread lightly on the earth.
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What are the requirements for the World Conservation Award? The requirements vary, so look for them at
Wolf and Bear Cub Scouts must complete a specified achievement, earn two electives from a list of three, and complete a den or pack conservation project.
Webelos Scouts must earn the Forester, Naturalist, and Outdoorsman activity badges and complete a den or pack conservation project.
Boy Scouts must earn the Environmental Science and Citizenship in the World merit badges, along with either the Soil and Water Conservation merit badge or the Fish and Wildlife Management merit badge.
Venturers must complete the Ranger Award’s Ecology elective and complete certain other requirements.
What about Tiger Cubs and adult leaders? There’s no Tiger Cub or adult version of the award.
Can a Scout earn more than one version of the award? A boy may earn the award just once while he’s a Cub Scout or Webelos Scout. However, he could later earn the Boy Scout and/or Venturing version.
What do Scouts who earn the World Conservation Award receive? A round patch with a panda superimposed on a fleur-de-lis.
The color scheme varies based on the program level. The Cub Scout version (No. 00139) has a yellow background and blue border; the Boy Scout version (No. 00140) has a tan background and border; and the Venturing version (No. 00152) has a yellow background and green border.
Where is the World Conservation Award worn?Considered temporary insignia, it’s worn on the right pocket of the uniform shirt. It can also be sewn onto a patch vest or blanket.
Can a Cub Scout who earned the award transfer it to his Boy Scout uniform? No. Only the Arrow of Light Award and the youth religious emblem can be transferred from the Cub Scout shirt to the Boy Scout shirt.
Why is the award called the World Conservation Award? The award’s name stems from its adoption by many national Scouting associations around the world. Each Scouting association sets its own requirements.
Who approves completion of the award? The Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, or Advisor certifies that all requirements are complete. He or she should sign the relevant World Conservation Award application and forward it to the local Scout council service center.
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The Sustainability MB is now an alternative to the Environmental Science MB as an Eagle requirement. Is the Sustainability MB also now an alternative to the Environmental Science MB for the World Conservation Award?
Thank you,
Steven Brauckman