
Grunt, Sweat, and Glide

The Oakland Strokes, a group of 140 Venturers in the BSA’s Piedmont Council, have a 33-year history of rowing four- and eight-person shells. Their exhaustive practice regimen and backbreaking determination have garnered regional, national, and international championships

Scouts BSA

'To Help Other People'

Since the BSA’s Good Turn for America initiative was launched in 2004, Scouts across the country have devoted more than three million hours of service to the needy—and they’re not done yet.

Scouts BSA

Preserving the Past, Enriching the Future

A home display is the best way to enjoy—and share—the memorabilia that represents the signposts along a Scout’s journey from child to young man.

Outdoor activities

Where Riding Works Wonders

Members of a Maryland special-needs Venturing crew sample a remarkably effective program known as ‘therapeutic horseback riding.’

Leader Advice and Inspiration

Encouraging Scouts who don't pass Boards of Review

Scouter C.K. asks how best to inform a Scout (and his parents) that the boy wasn’t fully prepared for a rank advancement board of review while still encouraging the youth so the setback won’t cause him to quit Scouting.

Scouts BSA

A Helping Hand From Coast to Coast to Coast

Scouts and Scouters across America have contributed in many ways to assist in relief and recovery efforts in the wake of last year’s devastating hurricanes.


Jamboree 2005

The BSA’s 10-day outdoor extravaganza highlights the best of what Scouting offers boys—fun, fellowship, physical fitness, and patriotism—plus for some, a brush with fame.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

Scouters Speak: Volunteers Who Fail to Complete Assignments

How do you deal with a volunteer who doesn’t follow through on his promises? Scouter E.K. noted that it’s awkward to tell a volunteer, “No, I don’t want you,” out of fear the task won’t