About our cover:A Scout in uniform is a symbol of Scouting's values and shows the community he is proud to be part of the Boy Scouts of America. Scouter/writer Cathy Steg's article "It's a Great Fit" looks at why and how every youth and adult member can--and should--wear the complete uniform. Illustration by Bill Basso. |
Develop your Scout unit's home page on the World Wide Web in six basic steps.It's a Great Fit
Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Scout leaders in uniform represent a symbol of pride in the timeless values of Scouting.Seeing Beyond Disabilities
A special camporee helps Scouts realize that physical limitations need not keep a person from living a full life.A Festival for Families
Moms, dads, and all the kids can spend a weekend learning about Scouting fun.Wunderbar!
The special hobby of Jim and Peggy Baden and sons Kurt and Erich includes the fancy footwork and fun festivals of international folk dancing.Days of Discovery
A local college campus provides resources for a troop's weekend merit badge fest.Merit Badges and Five Arrows
At the South Florida Council's annual event, 900 Scouts work on merit badges and another 400 pass requirements in a First Class advancement program.Loving, Kind, Considerate
In Ardmore, Okla., parents, teachers, and community supporters believe the character traits developed in the BSA's Learning for Life program can be as important to a student as reading, writing, and arithmetic.
The Boy Scouts of America | http://www.scouting.org |