Boys' Life Preview
Boys' Life magazine helps make your Scouting program and your Scouts excel. Research shows that boys who subscribe to the magazine advance farther, spend more time outdoors, and stay in Scouting longer than those who don't.
Check out these exciting articles designed to make advancement easy and fun, scheduled for publication in the January and February 2009 issues of Boys' Life.
Do a Good Turn Daily: A Boy Scout Feature
The prospect of a service project can be daunting, but that can change with proper planning. Instead of dreading service, get creative. If you like sports, why not build a dugout for the local ball field? If you’re a musician, perform at a local hospital. Have your boys check out this article in January for some great ways to get pumped up for the community.
Photograph by Vince Heptig
Off the Ground: A Feature for All Scouts
For Troop 776, a summer camp trip out of state meant reaching new heights. Coming from the flat landscape of Kansas to climb the 12,683-foot East Spanish Peak in Colorado wasn’t easy, but the finish was worth the effort. Your boys can follow this group on a 30-mile backpacking trip through rugged terrain and extreme altitude that made this adventure rock. Pick up the February issue for a story sure to inspire ideas for your own troop’s hiking expedition.
Subscribe to Boys' Life
There's something for everyone in Boys' Life. And everyone can receive
the magazine every month. For a one-year, nonmember subscription, send $24
(add state taxes as applicable) to Boys' Life, Subscription Service, S302,
1325 W. Walnut Hill Ln., P.O. Box 152350, Irving, TX 75015-2350. Anyone in your
pack or troop, however, can receive the magazine at home for only $12 a year
(add state taxes as applicable). That's just $1 an issue! To get this great
bargain, check with your local Scout council service center. Outside the United States, all subscribers add $21 for additional postage for each one-year (12 issues) subscription.
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January - February 2009 Table of Contents