![]() ![]() Fitness award requirementsI would like to pursue the new BSA Physical Fitness Award as described in the November-December 2002 cover story, "An Award With Heart." However, the article did not list the requirements or give a source for obtaining them. Can you help? Rick BrunsScouters and parents can ask at their local council service center for the brochure "To Be Physically Fit BSA" (No. 19-327). The requirements, application form, and fitness guidelines can also be found on the BSA Web site, www.scouting.org. Thank you, Lions ClubI read with great interest the November-December article about Lions Clubs and Scouting. Since April 1917, our troop has been continuously registered for 85 years. And for 67 consecutive years, the troop has been chartered to the Longview, Tex., Lions Club. The Lions have provided our Scouts with men of good character to serve as adult leaders, a great meeting place (a Scout hut), equipment, and camping and training scholarships. Without their help, our troop might not be registered today. Paul A. Yater Women Scouters loved the ideaIn the November-December 2002 article about the Robert E. Lee Council's Shawondassee District roundtable ("A Recipe for Roundtable Success"), the sidebar on the workshop offering advice for female troop leaders in camp and on the trail set my thinking cap on fire. How quickly could we put together a similar event in our council? I called several women Scouters, and they loved the idea. All were eager to see the article for themselves when their copy of Scouting magazine arrived. Thank you, ladies of the Shawondassee District, for the great idea! Cynthia Calhoun Dragon Sharing an Eagle Scout's poemI was taking photos at the home of Barbara McMillan, who assisted me in getting a Webelos Scout to model for my 2003 BSA painting "Prepared to Do a Good Turn" (which was pictured in the January-February 2003 issue of Scouting magazine). Her son David, an Eagle Scout, wrote a poem I would like to share with readers. He was apparently moved both by the events of Sept. 11, 2001, and by the layout I had designed for the painting. A GOOD TURN Joseph CsatariIn the January-February 2003 issue, John Marchese's article "'I Work From Real Life'" described the process illustrator Joseph Csatari used to create "Prepared to Do a Good Turn," the official BSA illustration for 2003.
March-April 2003 Table of Contents Copyright © 2003 by the Boy Scouts of America. All rights thereunder reserved; anything appearing in Scouting magazine or on its Web site may not be reprinted either wholly or in part without written permission. Because of freedom given authors, opinions may not reflect official concurrence.