Outdoor activities

Hawaii High & Low

On treks from the mountains to the sea to more than 1,700 feet underground, Troop 315 discovers you gotta hang tough when you search for adventure in paradise.

Backpacking & Hiking

Explore the wild trails on Isle Royale National Park

ISLE ROYALE NATIONAL PARK is like no other park in the United States. Located in Lake Superior’s northwest corner, the park has no roads leading to it. Nor do any exist anywhere on the island. That’s because more than 98 percent of the land in Isle Royale is designated wilderness.

Boy Scout Popcorn Sales

Ten tips for making popcorn sales pop

Question: What do movies and Scouting have in common? Answer: They both can be made better by popcorn.  It’s nearly fall, and that means it’s time for Scouts to sell popcorn to help fund all

No Picture

The Real Game Boys

The BSA ties the worldwide phenomenon of geocaching to its centennial, getting boys fired up about Scouting.

Outdoor activities

Just for the Halibut?

Hardly? Ohio Troop 520 also traveled 3,100 miles to fish Alaska’s Kenai River for salmon, trout, and Northern pike, reeling in some lessons about hard work along the way.

Backpacking & Hiking

Explore the Ozark's Eleven Point River

Where to find clear spring water, abundant wildlife, and fascinating side hikes year-round on Missouri’s Eleven Point River.

Life Skills

Train Tale

Saddle up with Troop 466 for a weeklong cattle drive along the legendary Chisholm Trail.