Leader Advice and Inspiration

How packs can boost attendance during the summer

When pack treasurer J.S. asked for ways to stimulate participation in summertime pack and den activities, reader suggestions included focusing on family involvement and “thinking big” when planning special events.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

What to do when older Scouts stay aloof

After a three-year drought of new members, J.R.’s troop has had an influx of new Scouts. “How can we get our older boys to mingle with the new guys and show them what to do, instead of doing it for them because it’s easier?” he asked.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

How to keep Scouts productive during troop meetings

D.B. said that once his Scouts get wound up at troop meetings, it’s hard to calm them down. Readers suggested planning plenty of interesting activities to capture the kids’ attention.


How to work with a Scout's opinionated parents

Scouter J.L.R. wondered how to react to outspoken parents who interfere with a leader’s ability to run the program. Readers agreed on one tactic: Ask the critics to become involved as registered leaders.


Advice on using profits from money-earning projects

Money raised for Scouting should be spent for Scouting, readers agreed in responding to assistant Cubmaster J.E., who asked if boys could use sales earning for things other than Scouting activities and equipment