Cub Scout Leadership

How to make better use of Den Chiefs

Because den chiefs play such an important role in supporting den leaders and encouraging Cub Scouts to cross over into Boy Scouting, Scouter J.W. wants suggestions on how pack and troop leaders can recruit and retain quality Boy Scouts for this position.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

Encouraging Scouts who don't pass Boards of Review

Scouter C.K. asks how best to inform a Scout (and his parents) that the boy wasn’t fully prepared for a rank advancement board of review while still encouraging the youth so the setback won’t cause him to quit Scouting.


Getting Specific

Adult volunteers take a key step in becoming fully trained Boy Scout unit leaders by participating in council-level Leader Specific Training.

Cub Scout Leadership

How They Do It: Successful Cub Scout Recruiting

New Cub Scouts get ‘Official Pinewood Derby Licenses’ in the Last Frontier Council. Using innovative recruiting ideas and concepts, the council welcomed 3,562 new Cub Scouts after its 2004 campaign.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

Scouters Speak: Volunteers Who Fail to Complete Assignments

How do you deal with a volunteer who doesn’t follow through on his promises? Scouter E.K. noted that it’s awkward to tell a volunteer, “No, I don’t want you,” out of fear the task won’t

Cub Scout Activities

Cub Scout Recruiting: How Do They Do It

Everyone wants great fall roundup ideas, and Scouters in Otetiana Council, Rochester, N.Y., are happy to share the strategies that fueled their 2004 campaign.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

Scouters share the value of a troop Venture patrol

E.A. says his troop’s Scoutmaster was reluctant to start a Venture patrol because he feared it would reduce the number of available boy leaders. How, he asks, do you convince Scoutmasters that Venture patrols keep older Scouts in Scouting?


Sale Time in Chelmsford

A troop’s annual yard sale earns money for Scouting and also benefits others far from the Massachusetts location.

Leader Advice and Inspiration

Scouters' advice on convincing parents to serve as unit leaders

Scouter T.H. wrote, in our October issue, that his troop was finding it hard to recruit parents as leaders. “How,” he asked, “can we instill some sense of volunteerism and commitment to Scouting among these parents?”