Backpacking & Hiking

Let's Hit the Trail

An Illinois pack’s monthly hiking program helps younger boys become more confident and comfortable outdoors, making for an easier transition to Boy Scouting.

Campground Cooking

Outdoor Smarts: ‘I’m Still Hungry’

Careful menu planning examines the rigors of high adventure activities and makes sure that calorie and nutrition levels not only meet energy requirements but also leave diners feeling satisfied.


The Missinaibi: A Wilderness River Journey

Boy Scouts and Venturers overcome low water, long portages, and fierce headwinds to follow the French voyageurs’ historic trade route into northernmost Ontario, Canada.

Outdoor activities

A Wild Caving Weekend

The colorful caverns of a state park, Kentucky Scouts discover a fascinating subterranean world.


Scouts 'NAYLE' the Qualities of Leadership

A new course at Philmont’s Rocky Mountain Scout Camp reinforces Boy Scout leadership methods by focusing on strategies for group success in challenging high adventure activities.

Florida Sea Base

The Keys to High Adventure

The Florida National High Adventure Sea Base offers fun and excitement for Venturers and older Scouts.

Backpacking and hiking

'We Go Camping'

A New York State troop has conducted an outdoor activity for more than 400 consecutive months (nearly 35 years) by relying on a simple formula of program, planning, and parents.

Outdoor activities

Where Riding Works Wonders

Members of a Maryland special-needs Venturing crew sample a remarkably effective program known as ‘therapeutic horseback riding.’

Intercultural activities

How to recruit and reach out to new immigrants

Troop committee chairman M.B. says his area’s population is changing. Many new residents are recent immigrants who come from different religious traditions than more-established residents. What are ways to reach out to immigrant adults and youths and to deliver the program to them?

Intercultural activities

Connecting Cultures Through Scouting

In California, Asian-Americans use Scouting to maintain ties to treasured traditions while helping newcomers become part of U.S. society.