Advancement & Awards

Spirit of Adventure

What will the next generation of American leaders look like? Many of them will look like Eagle Scouts. And many of those already are shaping the future of America—and the world. They’re serving in the military, the Peace Corps, and Teach for America. They’re conserving natural resources, healing the sick, and competing for Super Bowl titles. They’re everywhere, and they’re serving others.

Advancement & Awards

What It Means to Be an Eagle Scout

A new book explores the impact of men who have earned Scouting’s highest rank from World War II to the present and beyond.

Advancement & Awards

Advice from an Eagle Scout mom

How can parents best motivate their sons to continue on the Trail to Eagle? A mother of three Eagle Scouts suggests a one-step-at-a-time approach.

Advancement & Awards

Ideas for a memorable Eagle Court of Honor

Are your troop’s Eagle Scout ceremonies are lacking innovation and excitement? Readers offer many ideas on how to make the ceremony more memorable.