Boys' Life Preview

Boys' Life magazine helps make your Scouting program and your Scouts excel. Research shows that boys who subscribe to the magazine advance farther, spend more time outdoors, and stay in Scouting longer than those who don't.

Check out these exciting articles designed to make advancement easy and fun, scheduled for publication in the November and December 2008 issue of Boys' Life.


How does kayaking in the Pacific Ocean, among sea lions and porpoises, sound? What about rappelling down a glacier face? For Venturers in Everett, Wash., both activities were packed into a weeklong leadership program called Kodiak. Follow this brave group in the November issue as it encounters close calls with a massive barge and some hungry raccoons. You’ll also find tips on ice climbing and sea-kayaking— info that can help Venturers on their way to the Ranger Award and Boy Scouts hoping to earn the Climbing merit badge.

WHAT'S Your Green Grade? A Feature for All Scouts

Your Scouts know to Leave No Trace when camping, but what about the traces they leave in their daily lives? The “Go Green!” series ends in December with a quiz about how everyday decisions affect the environment. What’s better, reheating that leftover pizza in the microwave or the oven? Should you clean up after soccer practice with a bath or a shower? Those answers and more show how small decisions make a big difference. As an added bonus, Boy Scouts working on the Eagle-required Environmental Science merit badge will find information to help their progress.

Illustration by William Rieser.

Buried Treasures: A Cub Scout Feature

“Wonderful things” glistened in the eyes of British archaeologist Howard Carter when he unsealed King Tutankhamen’s tomb in 1922. Inside he found a throne covered in precious stones, daggers for protection, and a container that originally held Tut’s internal organs. Now those treasures (minus the internal organs, thankfully) will hit the road in a new exhibit. The November issue will get your Cub Scouts ready to unearth the secrets about this young king.

Subscribe to Boys' Life

There's something for everyone in Boys' Life. And everyone can receive the magazine every month. For a one-year, nonmember subscription, send $24 (add state taxes as applicable) to Boys' Life, Subscription Service, S302, 1325 W. Walnut Hill Ln., P.O. Box 152350, Irving, TX 75015-2350. Anyone in your pack or troop, however, can receive the magazine at home for only $12 a year (add state taxes as applicable). That's just $1 an issue! To get this great bargain, check with your local Scout council service center. Outside the U.S., all subscribers add $21 for additional postage for each one-year (12 issues) subscription.

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