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Backpacking & Hiking

Leave No Trace: Share the Responsibility

The Boy Scouts of America plays a significant and fundamental role in introducing millions of youth to the out-of-doors, a critical task among a generation increasingly disconnecting from the natural world.

Winter Sport Safety Guidelines
Camping Advice and Tips

Play safe in the snow

Use these guidelines to help you and your Scouts stay safe while participating in snow sports this winter.

Camping Advice and Tips

Secrets for improvising in the out-of-doors

Why do I love camping? In spite of the obvious reasons, there’s always something new to learn. No one has a monopoly on good ideas, even those who’ve spent a lifetime outdoors. Here are some tricks I’ve stolen from friends and acquaintances.


How to help inexperienced Scouts with a fear of camping

Longtime Scouters say you can’t take the outing out of Scouting, but some Scouts would be happy to try. While most kids take to camping like dogs take to car rides, others consider sleeping in a tent (at night! in the dark!) to be intimidating, the say the least.

Backpacking & Hiking

Don't Get Sick on the Trail

Four factors loom large in illnesses when you’re hiking — poor judgment, inclement weather, inadequate clothing, and faulty gear.


Outdoor Smarts: The Skin Game

Want to play it safe when enjoying fun-in-the-sun Scouting this summer? Here’s how to protect your body from harmful, cancer-causing UV rays.


Preventing Scouts from leaving campouts early

In Scouter J.C.’s troop, parents often pick up their sons from weekend outings before the process of breaking camp begins. Here’s how to ensure your guys share and share alike.